New Mexico: Politicians want to charge taxpayers for Safe Haven Baby Boxes

Now comes New Mexico Senator David Gallegos (R) and Leo Jaramillo (D) with bills to foist off the cost of boxes onto the taxpayer.(SB168/HB157 ) with an appropriation of $330,000 to buy a box to place in all 33 counties and another $70,000 for promotion and education. (Teaching your 12-year old how to stick a baby in a box so you’ll never know). The Associated Press reported (picked up by other media) that the appropriation is $1 million, but there is nothing in the bills that hit that mark. (Should we expect an amendment to boost more out of the taxpayer purse?) The boxes cost about $16,000 each, which comes to $528,000 Since Espanola is about to officially open a self-funded/doated box, without a state law, that takes it down to $512,000. Groupon anyone? Continue Reading →