Now, I’m really mad! PETA, the great media whore of moral equivalency, is building an ad campaign around child abandonment and the Nebraska Fiasco. From an October 20 PETA press release: In the wake of news that a Michigan mother drove more than 700 miles to abandon her 13-year-old son in Omaha in order to take advantage of Nebraska’s Safe Haven law, PETA has created a billboard stressing the importance of taking responsibility for all unwanted beings–dependent children and animals alike. The billboard features a child’s eyes superimposed over an animal’s face with the tagline “18 Kids, 25,000 Animals… The decision to add an animal companion to the family should not be taken lightly, just as the decision to raise a child should be a lifetime commitment,” says PETA Vice President Daphna Nachminovitch. “Dogs and cats can live 16 years or longer, almost the same amount of time that responsible parents invest in raising a child. Children and animals deserve better than to be dumped on a doorstep when they become inconvenient. Here is a preview of the billboard(s), PETA intends to put up in Omaha Is there nothing PETA won’t use to aggrandize itself? Abandoned children are notdogs catsgerbilsduckspeepsminksbunniesorlab Continue Reading →