Los Ninos Robados: Spain’s Catholic Church accused of selling thousands of newborns into adoption
I‘ve been busy working on the new Bastard Nation webpage. We lost quite a bit of material in the crash and burn, and I’m trying to reconstruct, but the more I get ahead, the further I get behind. At the rate I’m going it will be a year before it’s finished. (Note: some paragraph breaks below are double, but there is nothing in the html to indicate why). ****** One of my tasks is beefing up the International page–the section that lists activist, search and support websites around the world. I have added a category for each country, when appropriate, on”child laundering,” covering news on sealed records, forced and illegal adoptions, and any other corrupt activity the state, private industry and church can devise individually or in partnership. Sor Maria Gomzez Valbuena going to court One of the latest scandals, Los Ninos Robados (The Stolen Children). involves illegal child removal and black market ops in Spain–a complicated decades-long collusion of government, law, Catholic Church, and private industry and individuals. Although the current scandal broke in the Spanish press in 2008, stories of fraudulent adoption have circulated in the press and public for years. In 1982, for instance, nun and social worker Sor Maria Gómez Valbuena was Continue Reading →