NAAM DAY #20: Welcome “Adoption” the Newest Addition to the Bad Adoptee Film Genre. More Evil than “Orphan?”

Earlier this evening the trailer for this new film–just in time for NAAM–was posted on the Bastard Nation Facebook page by BN Vice President Annette Marie with a big WTF!  The film is called simply Adoption, which makes it sound more like a documentary that well…

But never fear! It’s about a newly adopted little boy named Dylan. Within 10 seconds I could see where this was going.  Here, you can see it for yourself.

We, in Bastard Nation (caps and small letters), understand Dylan’s frustration. I responded immediately:

Give Dylan his damned records!

If they hear about it, this film will strike the sensitive adopter class and their adoption industry saviors worse than did the 2009 film Orphan, which today might pale in comparison to this new addition to the Bad Adoptee Genre.

And wowza! Did Orphan blast off a volcano of dystopian disgruntlement! (Think Vesuvius.) It was a thing of beauty!  Orphan, they declared, will destroy adoption in the US, and steps were taken to censor it or at least to tone it down. You’d think they’d drunk a cockroach from the communion cup.

The Congressional Coalition for Adoption Institute (that is, US Senators and Reps) and its adoptacrat fine fellows nationwide went full throttle dingbat over the film. They sent a letter to Warner Brothers whining that Orphan, perhaps meant to be a thriller, instead harmed adoptees and foster kids.  Sight unseen, they were aghast that it would hurt their/our feelings and self-esteem.  It did not occur to anyone that sealed OBCs and other records might hurt our feelings and self-esteem and more importantly, abrogate our civil rights, but hey!  Adoption is beautiful!

The CCAI bullied the Warner’s  CEO to set up a meeting with its VP of Communications.  They wimped out Warners and got them to drop its tag “It must be hard to love an adopted child as much as your own” and to use its influence by sending out a “pro-adoption message.”  Still not satisfied, the Coalition and its best buds cryptically threatened to sever the partnership between Congress and Warners, whatever that was. If you don’t believe that the adoption industry is powerful, think about that. Of course, this meltdown over a film that pretty quickly was delegated to the DVD bin shows exactly how fragile, weak, and paranoid it is. A Potemkin  Village. Too bad the people who count don’t know that and cower at the sound of its hob-nailed boots marching into their chambers instead of ridiculing it. Perception is everything!

National media jumped on the freak-out.  I was interviewed by David Crary from the Associated Press. His article is no longer online, but I believe we had a bit of a laugh about the brouhaha.  At least I did.

I wrote about  Orphan craziness in  Orphan: The Adoption Industry and Beltway Wingnuts Squeak the Wheel. Please read it all. If you are having a bad day it should cheer you up, at least momentarily.

Here’s 2 cuttings from the CCAI letter:

…the film “may impede recruitment efforts by feeding into the unconscious fears of potential foster and adoptive families that orphaned children are psychotic and unable to heal from the wounds of abuse, neglect, and abandonment.

That is pretty funny since Bill Pierce testified in hearings that adoptees cannot have their OBCs because we ARE psychotic (or would turn psychotic) and just might kill our birthparents if they were ID’d and located. The big questions: why did Bill and NCFA traffic psychotics?


…the movie’s message that an adopted child is not ‘one’s own’ since the only distinction between biological and adopted children is how they came to be a member of a family.

Need I comment on how many bastards were told they’d be shipped out to where they came from if they didn’t shape up?

Jez-o-pease! Every adopted person I know was quite taken with Orphan and were highly amused by the hysteria. I expect a similar response to Adoption if word gets out.  In fact, I hope there is a fuss, so we can ridicule them and expose their gasbaggery to the world. Plus, I’m pretty sure that nearly every kid, adopted or not, loves creepy movies. 

Adoption will be shown on Tubi which is free.  I can’t find anything on the Tubi website about it so far.



(No, it will never be X!)

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Day 20 —  10 Days to Go


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