Don’t let Illinois gut what few rights
Illinois adoptees still possess!
This afternoon the Illinois Senate passed HB 5428:
the Illinois Adoption CI/Registry Cash Cow Protection Act
HB 5428 is NOT an original birth certificate access bill
HB 5428 is NOT an adoptee rights bill
HB 5428 is NOT an adoption reform bill
HB 5428 is an adoption industry bill, dressed up as obc access, intended to kill rights-based adoptee access to our own birth records.
HB 5428 is an Illinois Adoption Registry and Medical Exchange (IARME) promotion bill with virtually no support from adoptee rights and adoption reform advocates and organizations.
HB 5428 separates adoptees into two classes by date of birth and then into numerous subclasses of “access” and “contact” eligibility dependent on parental and state “consent”
HB 5428 “grants” rights to some at the expense of others.
HB 5428 criminalizes adoptees that use information from the IARME to locate and contact families of origins.
HB 5428 dictates relationships between adults
Office of the Governor
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
Phone: 217-782-0244
FAX 217-763-8710
TTY: 888-261-3336
Chicago Office
Office of the Governor
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph, 16-100
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-814-2121
FAX 312-867-0801
P.O. Box 1469 | Edmond, OK 73083-1469 | Phone / Fax: 415-704-3166
I have decided that the adoption industry and our various state and national legislators carry with them that particular scent that Big Daddy mentioned only with something added. I call it “Mendacity by Obfuscation.” It comes in a lovely bottle shaped like the bust of Bill Pierce with a dollar-sign stopper in understated money green. It’s the must-have cologne for legislators, lobbyists and industry movers and shakers.
And, did you hear that these same august persons are into parapsychology? They have become mediums that channel the “voice of the barfmuggle” so that she doesn’t have to speak for herself. AND, nothing up their sleeves, much, they have learned to turn one dissenting voice into a “lively debate.”
Ah. ’tis a grand and magical country in which we live….NOT.
Do you ever get so disgusted you just want to close up shop and go fishing? :oP
I’ve re-posted this on my blog; made my phone call to the governor. This Bill stinks.
The part that stinks the most to me, being one of those old barfmuggles and all, is the part that excludes and protects everyone involved in adoption from civil action….except for, guess who? The mothers! And don’t think it won’t happen. It already has happened with adopters suing agencies. This way their baby-peddling butts are covered and ours are toast. It is not to my credit that I discovered this factiod. Thank my good friend, Musing Mother who reads rather than scans. Thanks, Sandy.
I doubt that this makes much difference when it comes to the adoptee point of view, but it really annoys and disturbs me. Since when are we worth so little that we can be offered up to the litiginous adopter or other party as court fodder?
I know that all you are concerned about is a “clean” OBC access bill, but along the way with all the wrong turns, your mothers are taking a bit of a thrashing.
Robin, I hear you. I’ve always defended mothers, always. One year after my reunion in 1974, I started an ALMA chapter. The few people who attened were two men who wanted to punch the lights out of the mothers who got rid of them. I was 19 years old back then and told these college kids (my classmates) that if it weren’t for their mothers they wouldn’t be alive. It is difficult for adotpees to realize that mothers didn’t have a choice. I defend all of you. And I am still learning from all of you — especially about HIPPA. Thank you for your blogs that teach us.