Last year when I read Craig Hickman’s stunning memoir, Fumbling Toward Divinity: the Adoption Scriptures I knew that I’d have have to post his Letter to a Wisconsin Bureaucrat which appears at the end of the book. In this letter, Craig attacks the secrecy and arrogance of the adoption industry and the state apparatchiks that protect it. He demands equal treatment and decency for all adopted persons. This is a letter that should be read, treasured, and internalized by us all as we individually and collectively demand that the madness of identity theft, sealed birth records, and the culture of shame stop with us. With Craig’s permission, here is his Letter to a Wisconsin Bureaucrat: June 2001 Thank you once again for your prompt attention to these matters. I received a copy of my original birth certificate via fax this morning and look forward to it in the mail. Your letter states that my search request is now complete. No, it is not. I still want a clean copy of all the documents about me in my adoption file. I trust that you will coordinate this with Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. In putting together that clean copy, Continue Reading →