Upon receipt of a written application to the State Registrar, any adopted person 21 years of age and older born in the state of Oregon shall be issued a certified copy of his/her unaltered, original, and unamended certificate of birth in the custody of the state registrar, with procedures, filing fees, and waiting periods identical to those imposed upon non-adopted citizens of the State of Oregon pursuant to ORS 432.120 and 432.146. Contains no exceptions…Complete text of Oregon Ballot measure 58.
The links here are to adoptee rights and adoption reform political organizations or webpages with solid adoptee rights information. If you do not find what you are looking for here, go to Adopta Help for a broader choice of topics including adoption and adoptee rights history, state and international search and support/ I’ve been rather arbitrary about these categories and who is them them.
- Adoptee Rights Coalition
- Adoptees of Color Roundtable
- Adoption and Fostered Adults of the African Diasppora
- Adoption Network Cleveland
- Adult Adoptees.org
- Baby Scoop Era Research Initiative
- Colage
- Concerned United Birthparents (CUB)
- Erik L. Smith, Esq. Family Law
- First Nations Repatriation Institute
- glbtiQ: & Adopted (Queer Adoptees)
- Green Party Adoption Reform
- Land of Gazlliion Adoptees
- Late Discovery
- Musings of the Lame
- Origins USA (OUSA)
- Parents for Ethcal Adoption Reform (PEAR)
- Pound Pup Legacy
- Transracial Abductees
- Triadoption ArchivesUnited Adoptees International
State Adoptee Rights Organizations Holding the Line for Unrestricted Access
Many states have grassroots adoptee rights organizations but their policies on compromise are unknown. Below are organizations that have refused to comprise away the rights of adoptees just to “get something.” Organizations with a known history of compromise are listed on the Mushy Middle page.There are other state organizations with little history.so for the moment I’ve not listed them.
- California*: Cal Open Cal Open Facebook
- Illinois:* Illinois Open
- Indiana: Indiana Open Access Facebook
- New York: Unsealed Initiative Unsealed Initiative Facebook
- Oklahoma:* Oklahoma Open Oklahoma Open Facebook
- Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Adoptee Rights Pennsylvania Adoptee Rights Facebook
*Bastard Nation Partners
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